Noni is one of the medicinal herbs that help treat many diseases. Research has shown that there are 150 substances in the fruit, including iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamins B, vitamin A, and vitamins C. In addition, the fruit contains a compound of preconize. When combining with proteins, it will create a mass that is capable of producing energy helping cells to regenerate.

Use Noni fruit to improve your skin

There are many studies on the benefits of the fruit. And in these studies, the scientists proved that Noni is a herbal medicine that can support the treatment of many diseases such as diabetes, joint pain, migraines, high blood pressure, blood vessels, etc. In addition, noni contains active ingredients that are useful for the skin. It helps brighten skin, increase skin elasticity, anti-allergy and anti-acne. One of the best ways to improve skin tone is using noni masks at home.

1. Ways to use noni for skincare

  1. Preparation

– You should use ripe fruits.
– Wash the fruits with water.
– Grind the fruits well-kneadedly, you can use the blender to crush fruits.

  1. Ways to use

– Wash your face with cold water.
– Spread the face with noni that is crushed
– Wait about 10 minutes and wash with warm water.
– To beautify the skin with noni effectively, you should use it 2 – 3 times a week! And it would be better for you to use it in the evening.

2. The other ways

  1. Treat warts, pimples

Take young small fruits. Grind them, then cover the acne. Dress the wounds. After a day, you
should wash and change the bandage. Do it every day, on the 7 th day, warts will fall out.

b. Anti-allergy, lighten skin

To beautify the skin with fruit, you can use the fruits soaked in sugar, fruit juice, noni
tea or directly use fresh fruits.


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